Idea Vision Workshops
Team building through creative play

Thank you for your interest in an Idea Vision Workshop!
Using the hands (the original digital tools!) to communicate through imagery is a basic personal act that goes back to the beginning of humanity. More recently, neuroscientists discovered that using your hands and engaging in unfamiliar activities create new neural pathways in the brain.

According to Einstein (and who am I to disagree?!), the intuitive mind is a sacred gift, while the technical and detail-oriented parts of our brains are there to support it. The goal of this workshop is to strengthen those intuitive and creative gifts, both individually, and with a unique team of coworkers.
Many people – both as individuals and team members – continue to practice long after the class is over. I use these and other exercises in the daily practice of my own art.
They will leave an Idea Vision workshop with:
More creative problem-solving ability
Stronger communication, writing, and listening skills
A more open flow of interdisciplinary ideas
Mutual understanding, respect and empathy toward coworkers and clients
An improved comfort level with unfamiliar ideas
Better self-discipline – renewed motivation
Tools to overcome creative blocks – which affect all aspects of life, not just at the workplace

HALF DAY SCHEDULE (may be online or in-person)
There are many different exercises and prompts used in our team building workshops. Scheduled exercises may change, depending on the dynamic of each group.
First Part 3 hours – a little more drawing:
Introduction: Who am I? What about brain science? The evidence: a short – but lively – relaxation exercise
Who are you? Alter egos on 3 x 5 cards.
Loosening up with timed drawing exercises.
Collaborative scribbling - and what happens next. Timed exercises geared toward free play and NOT thinking! What do you see? Creative interpretation.
Taking scribble results to the next level. A 4-part interactive
Idea Vision Workshops Daily Journal – strengthen your memory along with powers of observation and perception while getting to know your true inner self. What do you look at? Listen to? What do you notice? This short, daily exercise will continue to help improve cognitive function long after the workshop is over! Discussion How can you apply these strategies to your area of expertise?
Basic character development: how to draw anyone doing anything (getting past stick figures)!
Cartoon character jam – interactive. Expressions. Confidence building and comic relief
A short writing exercise: Memory imaging and retention
Discussion: how to apply what you’ve learned to your life/work
FULL DAY SCHEDULE (may be online or in-person)
Includes everything from the half day schedule, plus:
Second Part: 3 hours – a little more writing
Memory imaging in writing. A longer writing exercise; a way to improve writing skills without even trying.
Listening to images – memory retention
Extrapolation: where does innovation come from?
Show me, don’t tell me… Writing and drawing: visualizing any idea
Make your own ‘zines. Students will learn how to access visual memory, and then write, illustrate, and read (voluntarily) their own stories. This is a trust-building, communication, and listening exercise.
End of day discussion:
How can you use what you learned to improve your work/home life and environments?

Barbara Neibart barbneibart@gmail.com